{FF} The Adventures of Flat Stella

As you know, this summer’s Wednesday blog posts will feature SEBTS women, what they’re doing, and where they’re serving.  Seeing as there are only a handful of Wednesdays in the months of June & July (9 to be exact) and there are more than nine SEBTS women out there serving this summer, we thought we’d do a little something special on Fun Fridays to showcase what you’re doing and where you’re serving!!

May we introduce to you:

 Flat Stella

Many of you are familiar with Flat Stanley, the little paper guy that has become so popular in schools these days.  You know, he pops up here there because people take pictures with him to showcase where they are and what life is like there.

We’ve decided to do our own version. Here’s how it works:

We’ll carry around a Flat Stella all summer and snap a quick photo of what we’re doing and where we’re going as the WLO. We want you to do the same! We’re including a plain picture of Flat Stella below that you can print off or use on your phone. We want you to snap a quick pic of Stella with you wherever you’re serving this summer and then email it to us at womenslifeblog@sebts.edu or share it to our Facebook page  (www.facebook.com/sebtswomenslife). Every Friday, we’ll post your photos to our blog, so we can see where all of our girls are this summer! (Remember: Only send us the picture if you’re giving us permission to post it to our blog…our blog is public).

We can’t wait to see where you are & what you’re doing!  Remember, any work that you are doing for the Lord is worthy, so if you’re wiping baby bottoms or trecking through the bush, nothing is too big or small to qualify!

Happy snapping!!


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