This summer, we have been catching up with SEBTS women as they serve the Lord all over the world. Today, we have the privilege of hearing from Kiersten Griffith, a C@SE student who had the opportunity to travel for her first over-seas mission experience. Read on to hear just a few of the ways that God moved!
In May I had the opportunity to travel with a professor and three other SEBTS students to the beautiful country of Indonesia for two weeks. The first few days, we spent time with the church planters we were partnering with and did some snorkeling, cliff jumping and scuba diving!! These are things that were on my bucket list, so that was a highlight of the trip for me!
In Indonesia, I also saw some of the most gorgeous sunsets I’ve ever seen! To see the heavens declare the breathtaking glory of our God each night in a different way was incredible. It makes me sad that even after witnessing something like this, people still think that this world just evolved into being. There is no doubt in my mind that these sunsets were the work of His hands. A friend told me when I returned that he thought God was showing off for me. Since God knows how much I love sunsets, I think my friend was right. J
We spent a week of the trip backpacking on two smaller islands. During this time, we were able to study Indonesian culture, build relationships with unreached people groups, and share the Good News of Jesus. This part of the trip stretched me in ways I never thought possible. Had I known beforehand how strenuous and stretching the trip would be, I never would have signed up for it. I would have said, “There is NO way I could do that. I’m not cut out for something like that.” Sure I like to spend time outdoors and try new things, but this was way out of my comfort zone. However, now I know everything I did on that trip was not done in my strength, but Christ’s strength within me. I was able to live out 2 Corinthians 12:9, “…for my power is made perfect in weakness…” I truly learned to do “all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). Even things that to others may not seem like that big of a deal were only done by God's strength: eating a meal where the entire fish is plopped on the plate, taking a bath by throwing freezing cold water from a small bucket on yourself, and the lack of Western bathroom facilities!!! J These are just a few of the many ways I was challenged on this trip.
One of my favorite parts of the trip was seeing Scripture come to life. I was reading through the Gospel of Luke while I was there, and almost every day, what I was reading were the very things we were doing. It was amazing to read about how the crowds of people followed Jesus everywhere and then to go out into a village and have a crowd of people follow us. Jesus told his disciples “whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town.” We found a “house of peace” and stayed there until we moved to the next village. Jesus’ disciples shared the truth about him with others. In turn, we shared the Gospel with the people we were building relationships with. Over and over, I was able to experience emotionally, physically, and spiritually just a sliver of what it may have been like for Christ and his disciples.
On Sunday, our team was able to have a worship service together (my all-time favorite church service EVER!) and we discussed the passage where Jesus calms the storm (Luke 8). The very next day, we were in a small boat crossing the ocean from one island to the next. There was a few times where I thought the boat would flip if one more person moved. It was a choppy, but nothing like the storm the disciples would have been in. Having been afraid myself, I can see how they would have freaked out in a raging storm with Jesus sleeping in the boat! It was so cool, though, to continually remind myself that he is the “one who commands the wind and waves.” One of the other girls on the team pointed out that the boat would only flip if Jesus wanted it to. To continually be able to put into practice what I read each day was awesome.
We also spent lots of time with the children. We taught them games, songs, and even a few dances. The guys on the team played Frisbee with the kids. We were also able to minister by helping some middle school and high school girls practice their English by having conversations with them at a library. Oh, and I must not forget taking pictures with them!! They acted like we were movie stars wanting to take video and pictures of us.
I could write a short book on all the other things I learned on this trip. I saw God answer so many prayers. I’ve been reading back through my journal, and I’m still seeing him answer them. About a month before going on this trip, I started asking the Lord for boldness in sharing my faith. I had two opportunities while in Indonesia to share with others about Christ, but I have seen this prayer answered more in my life since I have come home. Things I would have shied away from saying before, even in everyday conversation, I want to say now. I’m looking for ways to be intentional in meeting new people and stepping out of my comfort zone to speak to strangers, in hopes of being able to share the Gospel. I am hoping for more opportunities to share the Good News with my unsaved friends when I go home to Florida next month. This trip changed my life, and I am so grateful for SEBTS’ commitment to the Great Commission and teaching students to live this out day by day.
Kiersten and the team in one city where they stayed