2011. It's here. (Guest Blogger Kristel Acevedo Shares)

It’s here. My husband and I have been thinking about this year for a very long time. We have prayed continuously over this year and made many preparations for this year.

The reason is because we have just moved to Denver, CO with a team of people to plant a new church in the city. Over the past year and a half we have been preparing for this mission. Now that it’s here it seems a little daunting. Denver seems like a whole different world than what we’re used to. And the fact that the very reason we moved here is to live on mission and make Jesus famous in this city is a little intimidating. I have been feeling a lot of pressure to share the gospel with every single person I meet. It’s nerve-wracking. 

But it’s in those moments where I need to stop and breathe. I love the Psalms because they are so reassuring. 

"Be still, and know that I am God.
 I will be exalted among the nations,
   I will be exalted in the earth!"
Psalm 46:10
He is God. He has made it possible for us to live in this city. He has provided a mission field for us. He has made us capable of sharing His love with those around us. It’s a privilege and I don’t have to be afraid. So this year I will continue to trust in the Lord and rely on Him for strength, wisdom, and boldness to be His witness in Denver. It’s going to be an interesting year full of new experiences, successes, disappointments, and learning to have faith in God in a whole new way. 

Kristel Acevedo graduated from Southeastern Seminary with a Master of Arts degree in Biblical Counseling. She and her husband live in Denver, CO where they are helping to start up Soma Church, a church plant of the Summit in North Carolina. They are expecting their first child in the Summer of 2011. Read about their journey on www.glowinglightblog.com


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