New Series: Staying Disciplined & Giveaway!

During these summer months we are going to be discussing different ways to stay disciplined in our personal walks.  I know that sometimes during different times of the year I become a slacker, whether it is when schedules are super busy or really slow, my personal time with the Lord suffers because a lack of discipline.

One area that I specifically struggle with is scripture memory.  I like the idea of memorizing scripture, but when it comes down to actually sitting down and memorizing scripture I find it harder than I imagined.  Basically this is what happens.
  • I pick out a passage or verse that I am wanting to memorize.  
  • I write it down in my journal. Then while writing it down, my mind wanders to make a "to do" list.(remind myself that I need to get back on track)
  • I say it out loud several times.  
  • I will close my eyes to say and try to say it.  Once my eyes are closed I realize how good it feels to have them closed....
Anyone else struggle with this? 

Something that I have found that helps me is surrounding myself with scripture.  One of my favorite methods is writing scripture on paint chips.  You can get these at WalMart, Home Depot or any hardware store that sells paint.  And the best part is that they are FREE!  They are the perfect size to tape onto your computer at work, use as a bookmark, place in your purse, place on the dashboard in the get the idea, you can put them anywhere, and they are pretty. :)

I hope that you will join us as we talk about new and different ways to stay disciplined.  If you have a special trick to memorizing scripture please share by commenting below!  If you leave a comment you will be entered to win 2 books, Fresh Ideas for Women's Ministry by Diana Davis and Women Reaching Women by Chris Adams. 

A Winner will be randomly selected Friday, June 24th at noon.

I can't wait to hear yall's thoughts!

Laura works in the Women's Life Office at Southeastern.  Laura's husband, Lee is pursuing a M.Div in International Church Planting.  They are also anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first child, a baby girl in September.  Lee and Laura are member's of Summit Church and attend the North Raleigh Campus.


  • Rebekah | June 20, 2011 at 9:58 AM

    I love the idea of writing on paint chips! I think having scripture in my kitchen helps a lot- on notecards above the sink.

  • themcclellands | June 20, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    LOVE the paint chips idea! It helps me to write the verse over and over again until I can do it totally from memory. Something about writing & re-writing helps it stick with me better. I also make my husband listen to me try to recite from memory. :)

  • AnointedVessel | June 20, 2011 at 3:58 PM

    I use post-it notes and that way I can stick then any and everywhere. After you have it memorized you can stick it in your journal.

    Another way is to incorporate a verse into your prayer/meditation time for the whole week, by the end of the week if you have been dilligent you will have it.

  • Isha Gallegos | June 20, 2011 at 8:54 PM

    I usually write short notes beside verses on the bible itself, that opens my eyes, then when done reading that whole I colaborart a well informed Teaching Journal of the Different books of the bible i have red helps me to quick refference while still having my short notes next to the bible verses as a back-up so when same verses are discussed at service or bible study i'll be able to refer, correct and compare with my notes based on how i understood or preceived it then.
    But I'll still go to home depot and get those paint clips sounds great and easier.

  • Emily | June 21, 2011 at 11:29 AM

    I find the most helpful way for me to memorize scripture is to incorporate it into the passage I read in the morning during my quiet time. I find that it points out things that I don't notice through normal reading and meditation and it also pounds it into my head to keep it with me throughout the day.

    Basically, I usually:
    1. Read the passage several times
    2. Write it down 3-5 times.
    3. Close my eyes and repeat it until I can say it several times without messing up.
    4. If I get really stuck, I will make up a rhythm or song... this always works! Unfortunately I will no longer be able to say it normally, haha. The verse will always be sung from that point forward.
    5. Write it again.
    6. Repeat it to myself throughout the day and weeks to come.

    Also, I found this link by Andy Davis at FBC Durham extremely helpful:

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