Vacation 101

Hey ladies!  It's summer and very very hot!  Today's post is a repost from girltalk.  I invite you to check out girltalk.  It is a great site by Carolyn Mahaney, wife of CJ Mahaney, and their 3 daughters where they talk about different things that all women face with a biblical perspective.

You know you have kids when you tell people that you will be leaving for vacation in “3 sleepies.” Obviously, we are on countdown here at the Bradshaw household; we’ll be heading to Tennessee on Sunday with the whole Mahaney clan.
 If you are planning to take a vacation, and like me, need to prepare to serve others and glorify God, here are a few links from the girltalk and cheap seats archives you might find helpful:

First, check out my dad’s three part series on leadership and family vacations. You can leave it up on your computer screen for when your husband “happens” to walk by.

Then, for some easy vacation cooking ideas, you might like these recipes.

If you need a reminder to keep fighting remaining sin—which doesn’t take a vacation--this post by Nicole will encourage you to prepare accordingly.

You definitely don’t want to forget to make wonderful memories. Read about that here.

And the hardest part of vacation--coming home. This post will help ease you into normal life again.

We hope this helps with your family vaca's!   Now if only we could get a pool at SEBTS! :)


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