Loving the Difficult

Today's post is written by our dear friend, Andrea Allard.  We are so thankful to have her share some words of encouragement on loving even when it's difficult!

I know that this may be hard to believe, but sometimes people are difficult. We are told to love all people in the Bible and that is where it gets tricky. Loving the difficult means stepping outside of your comfort zone and meeting the person where they are at. It is humbling and many times uncomfortable, but our example is Jesus. He went to the sick and hurting, so we must not be afraid to put ourselves out for others. Often it costs us more than we want to pay in emotional turmoil, but what is a little struggle on this planet when we have eternity to spend with the Lord?

Ministry is a life calling and never ends. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing is ministry. The church is filled with people who are hurting - even if they do not admit it. Just think, most people do not meet with the pastor and his wife because all things are going splendidly. It is pain and hurt that usually drives them to seek spiritual solace. At this point in their lives, they can be difficult due to their life circumstances. This is when it is crucial to bring openness and a listening heart to provide the one thing that most people need when they are suffering: Hope.

Loving the difficult is a choice and it must be made every day. All encounters we have with others can be viewed as opportunities to grow and stretch ourselves more into the likeness of Christ. With this positive attitude and an open, approachable spirit, we can reach out to the difficult in the power of Christ to make an eternal impact on their lives as well as experience a deepening commitment of love and obedience to our Lord.

My name is Andrea Allard and I have been a pastor’s wife for over 20 years. I have been fortunate enough to live all over the country and meet all kinds of amazing people. Ministry is exciting and challenging and you never have the same day twice. 


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