10 Study Break Ideas for Finals Week!

Hey Ladies! We know that studying isn't the most fun thing to do, but maybe these study break ideas will bring a little bit of fun to these last few weeks of the semester!

1. Indulge!

Grab a latte or your favorite tea and sip away!


2. Workout! 

You've been sitting way too long!  Go to the gym, come the workout center at Ledford, or do an online workout video.  Hulu has lots of free online workout videos that are under 30 minutes.  The Gaiam's Wake Up Workouts are  great!

3. Quality Roommate Time!

Have a dance party!! Take a few minutes, turn up your favorite Christmas song and have a jam session! Or...have your own mini-concert.  You know we all do it...pretend like we're Mariah Carey every time we hear "All I Want For Christmas Is You" come on the radio. Or there's the trusty old marshmellow fight! Grab a bag of those big ol' marshmallows and go to town!  You could always see how many cartwheels you can do in your hallway, while being careful of course. :)

Photo courtesty of ugo.com.

4.  Get crafty! 

Visit our Women's Life Pinterest page and get inspired, very inspired! 

5. Cook! 

Cook your favorite recipe or try something new.  Putting your mind on something else will definitely help you to stop thinking about Spurgeon for a little while.  Try this recipe here for something savory.  Or if you have sweet tooth try this single serving Chocolate Chip cookie or this mouth watering chocolate cobbler.  Yum!

Ooohhhh....The Pioneer Woman- Chocolate Cobbler
Photo Courtesy of The Pioneer Woman

6. Get out of your room! 

Go Ice Skate at the Factory or visit some of the tree lightings happening this weekend! Lafayette Village in Raleigh is having it's lighting Saturday night, as well as the Raleigh Winterfest Kickoff is happening Saturday as well.  Check out the links to find more info!

Photo Courtesy of Indy Week

7. Do some online Christmas shopping! 

Limit yourself of course to a certain time, but who doesn't love perusing Amazon or your favorite store?! We do, we do!!

8. Go for a walk! 

Walk downtown Wake Forest, or head over to Joyner Park for some pretty scenery and quality girl time.


9. Do something mindless!

Whether it's your favorite iPhone game app or doing a sodoku, do something that doesn't require you to think about your papers or your finals.

10.  Take a 20-minute nap!

Yes, that means setting your alarm clock to wake you up 20 minutes later. A brief 20-30 minute power nap will give your mind and body the reboot it needs to power through your study session and nail your final!

Photo Courtesy of alleyoop.com

We hope that these ideas help you!  Leave a comment below and let us know your best study break ideas!


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