May 21st, 2012 ~ Ashley Allen
Over the last several years I have been amazed – and appalled – by hearing some of the talk of Christian friends who are accepting whatever.
“Yes, they are barely clothed as they are dancing around the screen. You might call it porn. I don’t care. They’re movie stars and I like it so I’m going to keep watching.”
“That show is just fun. I would never cheat on my husband the way those housewives do, but it is a good show.”
“That show about the families is funny. I know that the Bible speaks directly against some of the things that are done and some of the ‘relationships,’ it is just TV, though. It doesn’t affect me.”
“Yeah, that boy in the book is a warlock and he does cast spells, but the books and the movies are so good.”
“That trilogy of books was a bestseller worldwide. The movie went to number one the first weekend it was released. It can’t be bad. I read the book and am excited to see the movie.”
“It’s a Christian book. Yes, some of the things in here aren’t great, but it is a Christian book.”
All of the statements above were made by believers about a variety of different things.
While not trying to appear as one casting judgment, Scripture does say that we are to hold one another accountable. As believers we are to live by a higher standard – one that God ordains in His Word and one that helps us look more like Christ rather than the world.
Often we don’t realize the effects of what we watch with our eyes and what we hear with our ears. Not only do these things leave lasting images in our brains, they also begin to dull our sense of right and wrong.
Additionally, whether we recognize it or not, we begin to think on things because it leaves a photograph in our minds. When we engage in watching television shows and movies that portray lifestyles, choices and decisions that are contrary to God’s Word, we are endorsing these behaviors and decisions rather than upholding biblical standards. If we say we believe God’s Word is true and is applicable to our lives, it should also be applicable to what we take in via our senses.
King David wrote, “I will give heed to the blameless way, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart. I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me. A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will know no evil” (Psalm 101:2-4).
The Holy Spirit led King David to pen this psalm following his indiscretion with Bathsheba. Through this psalm, one can see the standards he set for his life so that he might live set apart to Lord. He was careful to live in his home the same way he said he would live in the public eye (integrity). He was cautious about what he set before his eyes (setting no worthless thing before his eyes). He was careful about the company he kept and their effect on him (the work of those who fall away and their work fastening its grip on him). He was careful to know no evil (I will know no evil).
In the New Testament Paul wrote to the believers at Philippi: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things” (Philippians 4:8).
This is a good plumb line for us as believers as we examine what we are reading, watching and hearing. Do the things we read, watch and hear align with biblical truth?
I have a mutual accountability agreement with a friend in regard to this area of my life and her life. We challenge one another in what we are watching, reading and hearing. We have reminded one another that Scripture says our bodies are temples and the dwelling places of the Holy Spirit; we have been bought with a price; and we are to glorify God with our bodies (I Corinthians 6:19-20). Part of our bodies includes our eyes, ears and minds.
I also try to remember one thing: while I know that Jesus is present with me at all times - even though I can’t see Him with my eyes - if He were sitting next to me on the couch in fleshly form would I watch what I watch on television? If He were peering over my shoulder reading what I am reading, would He say, “That brings Me glory!” And, if I were going to the movies, would He select the same feature film as me?
The whatever we put into our hearts and minds has more implications than we realize.
How and what are you whatevering?